in a double-blinded placebo-controlled
fashion to receive 150 mg of testoster-
one enanthate or placebo injections every
2 weeks for 6 months, and testosterone and
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels in serum
and prostatic tissue (via prostate biopsy)
before and after therapy were assessed.
the testosterone enanthate cohort, serum tes-
tosterone levels increased from a median of
282 ng/dl at baseline to 640 ng/dl at the end
of 6 month course of treatment, whereas
no marked change in serum testosterone
levels were observed in the placebo-treated
patients (282 ng/dl at baseline; 273 ng/dl
after 6 months).
On the other hand, exami-
nation of the prostate tissue demonstrated
that median tissue levels of testosterone and
DHT did not substantially increase after
TST (0.91 ng/g and 6.79 ng/g at baseline,
respectively, versus 1.55 ng/g and 6.82 ng/g
at 6 months, respectively) and were not
statistically different than the levels repor-
ted for the placebo group (2.00 ng/g and
8.15 ng/g at baseline, respectively, compared
with 0.88 ng/g and 5.10 ng/g at 6 months,
Although serum PSA levels
increased in the TST cohort, no differences
in high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neo-
plasia (HGPIN) or prostate cancer in the
follow-up biopsy tissues were observed
between the two groups.
The authors
concluded that TST increases serum tes-
tosterone levels, but has a limited effect on
prostate-tissue androgen levels.
The research by Marks and colleagues,
together with publications by Morgentaler
and other authors,
gave clinical relevance
to the ‘prostate-saturation theory’. Insight
into the molecular basis for the prostate-
saturation theory comes from studies that
have shown that DHT becomes maximally
bound to the androgen receptor (AR) at
serum testosterone levels moderately lower
than the normal range.
Although none of
these studies have clearly defined a univer-
sal serum testosterone level at which pros-
tate ARs become saturated, the saturation
point is thought to be in the 150–200 ng/dl
Identifying a universal saturation
point for all men might be difficult given
the complexity of the AR, with its various
co-activators and co-repressors, as well as
the intricacies of the interaction between
total and free serum testosterone levels.
Nevertheless, in men with serum testoster-
one levels greater than this saturation point,
increasing serum levels of this hormone
with TST should lead to a limited change
in intraprostatic testosterone or DHT levels.
Indeed, Bhasin
et al.
administered placebo
injections or supraphysiologic doses of tes-
tosterone enanthate (600 mg per week) to
43 athletes aged 20–37 years with baseline
mean serum testosterone levels from 431 to
557 ng/dl. The authors found that, although
serum testosterone levels reached a mean
of 3,244 ng/dl in the testosterone enanthate
cohort, no relevant changes in PSA levels
occurred between the groups.
Hypogonadism and cancer risk
From an epidemiological perspective,
prostate-cancer incidence increases with
age, as does the incidence of male hypo-
gonadism. Thus, the population of men
with the highest incidence of prostate
cancer is the same as the population of men
with the highest incidence of hypogona-
dism. This raises the question of whether
or not hypogonadism is a risk factor for
prostate cancer.
The observations of Huggins and Hodges
implied that prostate-cancer markers were
increased in the presence of higher levels
of testosterone; thus, one must ask if low
testosterone levels are protective against
prostate cancer. However, a review of the lit-
erature suggests the contrary: that low levels
of serum testosterone seem to present an
increased risk of prostate cancer diagnosis
and are associated with greater aggressive-
ness of disease. For example, the incidence
of biopsy-tissue-detected prostate cancer
reported in a series of 77 hypogonadal men
with a normal prostate anatomy accord-
ing to digital rectal examination (DRE)
and serum PSA levels <4.0 ng/ml was 14%,
which is higher than the rate expected in
a random population.
in an examination of 117 patients with
prostate cancer detected using transrectal
ultrasonography- guided prostate biopsy,
et al.
demonstrated that high-
grade prostate cancer (Gleason 8 or greater)
was more likely to be found in men with
serum testosterone levels <300 ng/dl than in
patients with testosterone levels above this
Similarly, in a series of 156 men
with newly diagnosed prostate cancer,
serum testosterone <300 ng/dl was found
to correlate with a worse Gleason score.
Likewise, postoperative pathological
status seems to correlate with serum tes-
tosterone levels. For example, in a series
with 326 patients undergoing radical
prostatectomy, Isom-Batz
et al.
strated a significant correlation between
lower preoperative testosterone levels and
advanced pathological stage (
Similarly, Mearini and colleagues
that, in a series with 103 patients diagnosed
with prostate cancer, lower preoperative
serum testosterone levels correlated with
worse pathological stage following pros-
tatectomy. In addition, Massengill and
showed that lower testoster-
one levels were an independent predictor
of extracapsular extension in a series of
879 men who underwent radical prosta-
tectomy. Another case series of 64 patients
with localized prostate cancer demon-
strated that patients with low total serum
testosterone (<270 ng/dl) were more likely
to have positive surgical margins in radical
prostatectomy specimens.
Low serum testosterone also seems to
influence treatment outcomes in men with
prostate cancer. Yamamoto
et al.
272 patients with localized prostate cancer
treated with radical prostatectomy. The
investigators obtained preoperative serum
testosterone levels in all patients and
found that independent predictors of post-
operative PSA-based biochemical recur-
rence included Gleason score (
surgical margin status (
0.0001), pre-
operative PSA level (
0.0001), and
preoperative testosterone level (
In fact, men with a preoperative testoster-
one <300 ng/dl had a 67.8% 5-year PSA-
failure-free survival rate, whereas the rate
among men with preoperative testoster-
one levels greater than this threshold was
84.9% (
0.035). In a series of 60 men
undergoing radical prostatectomy, Kim
and co-workers
found that, in addi-
tion to being predictive of extracapsu-
lar extension with an odds ratio (OR) of
4.96 (95% CI 1.41–17.38;
0.012), pre-
operative serum testosterone <300 ng/dl
also predicted postoperative biochemical
recurrence (OR 3.64, 95% CI 1.66–2.43;
0.015). Furthermore, Ribeiro and
demonstrated that a pretreat-
ment testosterone <300 ng/dl portended
poorer prognosis among 144 men diag-
nosed with metastatic prostate cancer, with
the overall survival duration reduced by
6 months in the hypogonadal group com-
pared with the cohort with testosterone
levels >300 ng/dl.
…the population of men
with the highest incidence of
prostate cancer is the same as
the population … with the highest
incidence of hypogonadism
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